1.7 It’s a long way to Generation B~

Hey there! Came back from more perfect genetics adventures? We’re still keeping up with SimNaNo, so it’s the perfect time for it!

This chapter was supposed to go up yesterday, but I came home dead from work and I just literally slept all day away lol only woke up for dinner and kept sleeping. Gotta love working on Retail after payday!

Anyways, this is a short and sweet update with a lot of cute toddler spamming and some birthdays! As the title says, se have a long way until Aldrick takes over! So we better get going now!

Aurore and Diamon keep hanging out after Aurore’s birthday last chapter. These two really look alike! It’s pretty funny.

The rest of the girls are back home from school! Aphrodite inmediatly calls Sabrina to join her, we’re still working on having them become Best friends for aspiration purposes.

Also there’s a mess on the floor right there…and as usual I have no idea who made it.

Anyways, Sabrina comes to visit and the girls are best friends in no time! Last time they were only missing a tiiiiny bit of relationship to get it lol.

They also become partners in crime, because I love that!

Silver is getting quite high on his aspiration! I love when sims run like this on the treadmill, so epic lol.

Amaranth still needs to be read for her aspiration, so Diamon works on that with her and Alya comes to join to maximize the effort~ Aldrick was saddly sleeping at the time, so he missed the storytime today.

This house is having similar problems to my Name game when it comes to doing dishes. I had to direct Angelica like three times to do them… But at least she did them in the end, which is more than I can say about the Svartulvs household lol.

Cute twins playing together ❤ because we never have too much toddler spamming.

And for the same reason, a cute picture of Aldrick looking at a book~ I think he knows he missed the storytime session and wants to catch up lol. He does and surpases his sister though, he maxes Imagination here!

I keep thinking I probably should get the family a normal, bigger table so they can sit all together for meals and stuff, but then I see them using the kotatsu and I just love it way to much to change it lol.

Also we have 25 generations to go, we’ll probably gonna be moving a lot and having tons of different homes.

… Diamon, your kid scares me.

Diamon: «what do you mean? He’s just…growing so fast?»

And growing somehow means getting the skill to lay across walls? Seriously, can we have Alya be the heiress instead? lol I would prefer a heir who isn’t possesed.

Moving on to less demonic weird glitchy stuff, Aurore here is working on her writting skill for school, since that’s her aspiration. She makes it to level 2 in a flash~

And Aphrodite keeps working on her own aspiration. This guy is Rodney and he’s her first adult friend.

And because she doesn’t wanna fall behind her sisters, Angelica also uses her time to skill and manages to complete her Whiz kid aspiration! She gets Social Butterfly next and goes outside right away to greet people passing by the house.

An open shot of the house right now, it’s getting pretty full in between them kids and their friends around.

Oh yeah, and Aurore brought home Tevin Hecking today! As you can see he’s also a teen now, and his second trait is Self-assured, which is also Aurore’s first trait Destiny~

They go outside to cloudgaze for a while so they can build up relationship while I take care of the rest of the household lol they’ve been getting along pretty good now that he’s older, but I don’t wanna risk it with his evil trait!

Taku Akiyama becomes Aphrodite’s second adult friend! Now she has to work on the kids.

Poor Silver has been living tied to the chess table lately lol he needs so much Logic for his work! I really think I should’ve chosen the Officer branch for him instead lol but I guess nothing to do about it now, and at least he always has one of his kids to keep him company.

Diamon finally learnt to play correctly with the toddlers again lol. This playsesion gets Alya to max movement~

And then Aurore takes up her role as older sister and reads to her.

Angélica keeps working on meeting people. I always try to have my social butterflies meet as many kids as they can, because I never know if some of them are gonna turn into teens before we reach the last tier of the aspiration. lol.

The twins have completed all of their skills, so they are just waiting for their birthdays later today. They’re good kids and keep eachother entertained chatting ❤ adorable.

I was people-watching as usual and I aported this guy with an epic mustache lol I kinda love him honestly, would totally marry him if I had a sim the right age.

Another promotion for Silver! Now he needs even more Logic for the next one lol.

He looks really handsome in his new uniform though! But it doesn’t look like the best thing to «practice marching» into lol and that’s exactly what i told him to do in this shot.

Diamon got to the level of knitting where she can make puffs! I love how it looks, I still really enjoy this pack honestly lol.

Aurore has passed her first try at the stove~ she made a grilled cheese while I wasn’t looking lol but at least she didn’t burn anything.

Also, notice the cake in the background~ it’s time for a double birthday!

Happy birthday Aldrick and Alya!! We’re now one step closer to the next generation!

Here we have Aldrick as a child! I love how he looks on that polo shirt, it goes great with his eyes! He’s also just really cute ❤

Aldrick’s first trait is Dog Lover, so I guess we’re having a pet next gen lol and his aspiration is Rambunctious Scamp.

And here’s Alya! I still love her so much ❤ and now I love her even more, because she was the first sim in my published stuff to roll being genderfluid! So yeah, this is her when she feels like a girl, but I also gave her a couple ‘boy’ outfits we’ll see while we play. As a boy, I’m gonna be using the name Altair for him, since both Altair and Alya are stars.

Anyway, Alya here rolled Self-assured as her child trait, and the Social butterfly aspiration to go with it.

And we’re going to stop today with a shot at the twins new bedroom! Everything is still pretty basic and sparcely decorated because of money issues, but along with the room we also added a second computer, since there’s usually more than one sim who needs to use it lately.

That’s it for today! Next time, probably lots more teenage birthdays, hopefully some more promotions, and a good time with the family!

Join us then~ and until then, happy simming!

Publicado por salemsvartulv

Hey! I'm new on the Sims Blogger comunity, but I've plahyed these games since the first one, so I thought it was worth the shot :D Also, I'm mexican so english is not my first language, so forgive my little mistakes xD still learning

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