The Ambroise Perfect Genetics challenge

Inmortal Genetics:

A Perfect Genetics Alphabet Legacy

Entradas recientes

2.4: It’s the cat show!

Hey there! Welcome to another update from the Ambroise Perfect Genetics! I gotta be honest: this update was supposed to go up around the start of the month lol but as usual, december has been kicking my butt with extra work retail sucks lots of holiday shopping, and now even a little cold *facepalms* seriously, December…

2.3: Growing together

Hey there! Time for another update from the Ambroises! It’s been a while since we last played with this family, but last time we actually got our next generation heir in the first kid! I don’t think that’s gonna happen a lot, but we’ll see lol. We also welcomed our spare into the household and…

2.2: The lightning speed generation

Hey there! Welcome back to the Ambroise household! As usual, I left out of the blue and for a pretty long time, sorry lol november/december always gets too busy at work and then I got distracted by other games and life stuff and just… I just recently got back into my simming mode thanks to…

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